Sunday, August 12, 2007


An Old High School Chum wrote this:

The biblical justification that Lutheranism uses for infant baptism is Acts 2:38-39. I also read a new term for me anyway this morning. Anabaptist. Since you definitely have more religious education than I, who were they?

I responded:
Read this carefully as if under the tutelage of Ms Logsdon (examine the grammar, especially the antecedents):

38Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."

How do babies repent?

The promise of the Holy Spirit is for all coming generations... When and if they repent. Baptism follows repentance, no? And I can't say that I've met a "spirit filled" baby...maybe poopy filled.

Anabaptists... they were the group that strongly advocated believers Baptism.

My religious education mostly taught me how to find information. If there had been Google and Wikipedia, I could have saved myself 3 extra years of education.

Here's your answer in greater depth:

This wiki has a great graphic comparision of how differing groups perform and interprete baptism:

Hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
Slipnaught the Piewit

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why Knotty Thoughts?

This morning I was thinking of thematic interpretive ideas for a fellow blogster's new catch phrase and this one popped into my head. I thought, heck, it's so silly that he probably won't use it so why not me? It's really an interesting play on words don't you think?

So here's what we are going to do.

1. Think up some tough questions, like "Is there a rock so big that God can't lift it?"

Naaa, you can do better than oxymorons.

More like a challenging, Q. "Why do we have to die?"

O. (note that is O not A. Opinion, not Answer) Well, the rest of nature similarly recycles, so it's the nature of things. A better question might be why do we worry about dying; why do we consider it as unnatural in the first place?

Submit those questions to:

2. Then, think of some folks who might want to sit at the round table of discussion. I would like a variety of points of view. I am a evangelical Christian; but I am not afraid to listen to thoughts outside that box. I would like other world/religious views to be represented as well. I will moderate - because it is my blog. This is a chance to get those Knotty Thoughts that you have been thinking out on the table. No fear, no name calling, no meanys. Just the anti-boyscout. Huh? They get merit badges for learning to tie knots. We will earn them for untying thought knots.

So, if you would like to recommend someone to sit at our table or you yourself would enjoy such detangling adventures, you may also email

Slipnaught the Pie-wit